During adverse weather/emergency closures, suspension of non-mandatory operations for those instances which are not truly emergency but reflect conditions on campus that compromise safety are explained below.
When any of the conditions below are applied the communications methods that follow will be utilized to communicate to the campus.
- RamALERT, WSSU webpage, and the WSSU weather phone line are the most reliable sources for information regarding adverse weather affecting operating conditions at WSSU.
- WSSU weather phone line 336-750-3456
- If no condition is communicated, then all business operations are considered normal. Adverse weather leave cannot be used during normal operating conditions.
Adverse Weather/Emergency Conditions:
Adverse weather may create difficulty for employees to report to work or make it advisable for employees to leave the workstation early. Employees who anticipate problems with transportation are encouraged to exercise personal judgment concerning road safety in their areas, and notify their supervisor if they are unable to report.
Non-mandatory employees who do not report to work or report to work late are responsible for communicating with their supervisor in a timely manner about all such decisions and are required to use accrued compensatory time, if available, annual leave, personal observance leave, special leave, bonus leave, or leave without pay (LWOP).
Non-mandatory employees with supervisor approval may opt to “make up” time missed during the event (within 90 days from the date of the event) instead of charging leave.
Remote work is permissible, depending upon the nature of the employee’s job and with the supervisor's prior approval. Non-mandatory employees may also arrange for alternative work locations with prior supervisor or manager approval.
Where operational needs allow, and a supervisor approves, an employee may be allowed to make up the time lost to adverse weather in accordance with the provisions outlined in the state adverse weather policy and UNC System policy.
The suspension of non-mandatory operations is required because of adverse weather conditions. The decision to suspend non-mandatory operations is based on the impact of the adverse weather event on campus, the need for uninterrupted clearance operations, and the duration of the adverse weather event. Non-mandatory employees DO NOT report to work.
Non-mandatory employees in leave generating positions MUST use vacation, bonus, compensatory or adverse weather leave/adverse weather dock if they are not working.
Non-mandatory employees with supervisor approval may opt to “make up” time missed during the event (within 90 days from the date of the event) instead of charging leave.
Remote work is permissible, depending upon the nature of the employee’s job and with the supervisor's prior approval. Non-mandatory employees may also arrange for alternative work locations with prior supervisor/manager approval.
Where operational needs allow, and a supervisor approves, an employee may be allowed to make up the time lost to adverse weather in accordance with the provisions outlined in the state adverse weather policy and UNC System policy.
Conditions necessitate the total closing of the university or the curtailment of operations. These include conditions that may be hazardous to life such as: catastrophic life threatening weather (hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood or other natural disaster), fire equipment failure, disruption of power and/or water, contamination by hazardous agents, terrorist acts or forced evacuations from the agency or work site.
During an Emergency Closing of the entire campus, non-mandatory personnel are not required to report to work. Personnel designated as mandatory staff will be required to report to work.
Condition 3 status can only be requested by the Chancellor within 48-hours after the impact has occurred, to be applied retroactively by the UNC System President.
Faculty/Staff on pre-approved leave during a Condition 1, 2, or 3 must apply that leave time for that day/time.
Faculty/Staff scheduled to work outside of the impacted area of campus during a Condition 1, 2, or 3 must code their time as regular hours worked.
Questions regarding the policies and leave time should be directed to the WSSU Office of Human Resources via hrleave@wssu.edu