Welcome to The Office of Sponsored Programs
At Winston-Salem State University, we are committed to offering faculty and staff the necessary assistance in applying for extramural grant funding. As Associate Provost for Research & Innovation, my role is to work with investigators to help develop projects, edit proposals, and review grants before submission, allowing for an “internal review” prior to agency evaluation. In alignment with WSSU’s 2030 “Unleash the Genius” Strategic Plan, The Office of Sponsored Programs (or OSP for short) actively supports the research and scholarship of our investigators in order to find (Grant Opportunities), initiate (INOI), submit (Pre-Award), and obtain/manage grants (Post-Award), as well as assist with grant reporting and compliance (Compliance). Our grant tracking system (Cayuse) allows OSP to help faculty and staff obtain the necessary approvals and signatures for grant submissions.
Everyone in OSP is committed to distinctive customer service, working to ease the administrative burden on those doing research at WSSU. Our overall goal is to foster transformative research and scholarship in all disciplines at WSSU to connect research to student education to allow them to “Enter to Learn and Depart to Serve”.

Sponsored Programs
For all external funding needs, Sponsored Programs is the place where WSSU faculty and staff can receive guidance and support for grants and contracts related to basic and translational research, student support and service, pedagogy, and other scholarly activities. The primary function of the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is customer service support for submissions, compliance, training, and grants management. If you have questions about whether an opportunity or activity is considered a “sponsored program,” please contact OSP at sponsoredprograms@wssu.edu.
Mission and Goals
The mission of OSP is to provide guidance and technical assistance to faculty and staff interested in obtaining extramural funding for scholarly activities with the belief that the advancement of knowledge and creative expression are the true measures of excellence. Consequently, the primary goals of OSP are:
- Prioritize extramural support for research and scholarly work campus-wide.
- Provide high quality support and customer service to WSSU faculty and staff for grant submission and management, program development, and compliance.
- Reduce administrative burdens and workloads to ensure that investigators have more time to focus on writing grants and working on their research.
Pre-award services are invaluable services offered to WSSU faculty and staff interested in pursuing financial resources from extramural funding agencies. Pre-award staff members also help identify and determine eligibility for grants and other awards in addition to assisting PIs with proposal and budget development.
Post-award administration contains guidelines, policies and procedures, and forms needed to administer an award from inception and throughout the life of the project. This section also contains the internal closeout process with forms needed to formally closeout a project within 90-days after its end date.
Research Compliance
A primary goal of the Office of Sponsored Programs is to educate the Winston-Salem State University's research community about regulatory requirements and ethical standards governing research. Principal investigators are responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations and policies.