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WSSU will operate at condition one Reduced Operations, until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, February 20. Read more >>

Web Support Services

The WSSU web site is built on a robust content management system (CMS), Cascade. The functionality and fresh look and feel represents a step forward in terms of ease of use and shared responsibility. Our implementation of Cascade uses a traditional workflow to maintain the accuracy and integrity of our web content.

The Information Technology Administration Application Services (AAS) team and designated content SuperUsers work together and are responsible for creating, editing and maintaining the pages that make up the Winston-Salem State University public-facing web site. SuperUsers are trained to ensure the accuracy, relevance, timeliness and overall appropriateness of content used to represent their college, school or departmental unit on the public-facing web site.

All content to be created or edited is to be managed by the SuperUser for the college, school and/or departmental unit thus each area will have responsibility for maintaining the content of their respective pages; keeping content relevant and updated. AAS will be the primary point of contact for issues relating to the web site and will serve as a support unit to all CMS SuperUsers, approvers and content owners.

The WSSU web site is our single most important marketing and communications connection to external visitors. Web Support Services will work closely with the Office of Integrated Marketing and Communications (OIMC) to ensure that the public-facing web site design supports the university branding and properly promotes the university message.

All content management requests must be issued to Administration Application Services via RAMSupport.

If you have any general questions, feedback or comments regarding the web site please direct them to or a member of the Administration Application Services team via email.

SuperUser Zones Listing