Welcome to Research at WSSU
Winston-Salem State University is a teaching and research institution, providing students with access to exceptional pedagogy and groundbreaking investigative opportunities. WSSU’s research capacity has grown over the past 5 years, largely due to the efforts of our investigators and strategic investments in resources, personnel, and extraordinary investigators dedicated to mentorship and discovery.
As Associate Provost for Research & Innovation, my focus is to develop, promote, and implement the research of our faculty and staff, ensuring that their work appropriately relates to student success and WSSU’s 2030 “Unleash the Genius” Strategic Plan. The Office of Sponsored Programs broadly supports the research and scholarly pursuits of the faculty, staff, and students at WSSU. Our goal is to provide investigators with the necessary support to find grant announcements (Grant Opportunities), establish collaborations, initiate grants (INOI), submit grants (Pre-Award), obtain and manage grants (Post-Award), and assist with grant-related activities such as reporting and compliance (Compliance).

With committed, distinctive service, our overarching mission is to foster transformative research, scholarship, discovery, and innovation in all disciplines at WSSU in order to impact society nationally and globally.
Please explore the many Centers, programs, and opportunities that WSSU offers.
Types of Research
Enhancing the specialized skills of our future healthcare workforce while addressing health problems in general and underserved populations.
Preparing students with essential and critical skills for the 21st century while reaching beyond traditional ways of researching by merging subject, culture, and technologies.
Improving psychological, physical, and emotional outcomes of people through focused research on attitudes, motivations, and justification of actions within society.
Building a more diverse workforce, WSSU's rigorous and beneficial scientific research contributes important knowledge to STEM fields.
Researchers engaged with our centers and institutes have opportunities to solve community based problems and really make a difference. Together, we are addressing the economic and social challenges that impact our region, North Carolina and beyond.
We're preparing students to become the next generation of scientists, social scientists, and health practitioners. There are opportunities for all students, faculty and community to be involved in research at WSSU.
Areas of Research Opportunity
WSSU Research In the News
WSSU researchers use mobile app technology to improve healthcare efficiency and worker safety
January 28, 2025
A team of researchers, led by Dr. Muztaba Fuad, professor and interim chair of computer science at Winston-Salem State University, are pioneering the use of mobile apps to make healthcare work more efficient. WSSU students are helping with the research by tracking their own movements and postures.
WSSU chancellor’s visit to Nashville transforms into impromptu medical research consortium with alumni
January 23, 2025
One phone call turned a routine visit to Nashville, Tenn., into a consortium with WSSU alumni representing various medial research entities and an ambitious plan for future growth of the college.A Season of Progress: Celebrating WSSU’s Achievements Together
December 03, 2024
As I reflect on my first months as Chancellor of Winston-Salem State University, I am inspired by the incredible accomplishments of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Homecoming was a highlight of my time here. It was incredible to watch generations of the Ramily come together to celebrate all that is wonderful about WSSU.
More Research Rams in the News
- How Dodd-Frank Locks Out the Least Affluent Homebuyers
- HBCU researchers in NC awarded grant to establish consortium
- WSSU centers use research/data to address issues of spacial justice
- WSSU's astrobotany program teams up with NASA to study the effects of growing plants on lunar and Martian soil
- Spending lots of times in caves, WSSU researcher explores the effects of urban noise on bats
- WSSU associate professor of justice studies responds to George Floyd's death
- Economics researcher at WSSU weighs in on COVID effect on brick-and-mortar shopping distribution and taxes
- WSSU financial expert urges investors to hang-tight and to think in the long-term perspective
- WSSU economics professor featured as a content expert in Varsity Blues Scandal documentary