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The general education curriculum at Winston-Salem State University is designed to help students develop critical skills such as thinking, writing, and speaking while offering the opportunity to explore the many fields that make up the curriculum. Students are free to choose courses in the general curriculum with no single path towards fulfilling the general education requirements. Academic advising is designed to assist students in the decision making process as a pathway is chosen.

For much of the first two years students will be in the general education curriculum and will be advised by Academic Success Counselors (ASCs). The ASCs know the general education curriculum and the pre-requisite requirements for the academic majors. Most importantly, they get to know individual students, their goals, previous experiences, and academic strengths. They also help students navigate academic and student support services and university business processes. A designated group of ASCs will work with students who are in specific programs such as Honors or Athletics or who are interested in specific disciplines such as nursing and education. 

New freshmen and transfer students are assigned an ASC or academic advisor who they will meet during orientation or before the semester begins. These advisors work with students to understand the curriculum and assists students with the registration process.

Many students come to campus with pre-determined ideas about a major and maybe even a career. Advisors help students explore the whole curriculum while being mindful of pre-requisite courses and skills needed for particular majors. Students should be mindful that choices in the first set of courses do not lock them into or out of a major; that the choice of a major does not determine a career; and that there are many more choices of careers other than doctor, nurse, lawyer, teacher, business professional – many of which have yet to be created.

The links on this page direct students and advisors to information and resources to assist in the advising process and students’ pathways through the curriculum.
