Rehabilitation of Individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Dr. Robin Dock funded by US Department of Education
A six-year project led by Dr. Robin Dock, Rehabilitation of Individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Rehabilitation Counselor Training in a Virtual Environment, utilizes distance learning modalities, while integrating highly interactive web-based conferencing and an on-line course management system to increase flexibility, accessibility, and on-going support for adult learners to continue their education while maintaining their jobs and family responsibilities. The project increases the supply of qualified Rehabilitation Counselors to assist consumers of the State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, by improving the specialized skills of VR counseling scholars so that upon successful completion of their Rehabilitation Counseling master’s degree program, they are prepared to effectively meet the needs and demands of consumers with disabilities and employers, specifically consumers who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.