John T. Yi

Position: Professor Department: Department of Chemistry
Contact Info
Office: New Science Building, Room 504H Phone: 336-750-2218 Fax: 336-750-2549 Email:
John T. Yi received his PhD. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh in 2005, under the supervision of Professor David Pratt. His doctoral research focused on the application of high-resolution spectroscopic techniques to investigate biologically relevant molecules and their complexes in the gas phase. This research provided valuable insights into stable molecular geometries and solvated molecule structures. Following his doctorate, he conducted postdoctoral research in 2005-06 at the Ohio State University under the guidance of Professor Terry Miller in the Department of Chemistry. Additionally, he held a brief postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. In 2006, he joined the faculty of the Department of Chemistry at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU). His current research at WSSU revolves around molecular spectroscopy, employing state-of-the-art rotationally resolved high-resolution spectroscopic techniques in the terahertz (THz) and ultraviolet (UV) spectral regions. The primary objective of his work is to quantitatively analyze the structures and dynamics of large biomolecules.
John T. Yi has expanded his research interests to include quantum information science and engineering (QISE) as his next area of focus. Quantum information science is an interdisciplinary field that explores the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and applies them to information processing, communication, and computation. By delving into this exciting domain, John T. Yi aims to contribute to the advancement of quantum devices and materials, quantum computing, and quantum cryptography. His research in quantum information science may involve investigating the coherent transduction of quantum states between optical and microwave photons, which will significantly benefit the state-of-the-art quantum photonics and circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) systems. By exploring the potential of quantum systems for information processing, John T. Yi strives to unlock new possibilities and applications in this rapidly evolving field.
Educational Background
- PhD, Physical Chemistry, 2005, University of Pittsburgh
- BS, Chemistry, 1992, La Roche College
Research and Project Interests
- Physical Chemistry
- Molecular Spectroscopy
- Quantum Devices and Materials
Josué A. Minguela-Gallardo, América Y. Torres-Boy, John T. Yi, Sergio Romero-Servin, José Arturo Ruiz-Santoyo, David F. Plusquellic and Leonardo Álvarez-Valtierra, “The rotationally resolved S1←S0 origin spectrum of jet-cooled 4-methylpyrimidine: J and K dependent intensity perturbations in the S1” In preparation.
Josué A. Minguela-Gallardo, John T. Yi, David F. Plusquellic, and Leonardo Álvarez-Valtierra, “Rotationally resolved electronic S1 spectra of tryptoline and oxindole: Reversal of the 1La and 1Lb state character”, J. Mol. Struct., 2022 1247, 131386.
Jose Arturo Ruiz-Santoyo, América Y. Torres-Boy, Josué A. Minguela-Gallardo, John T. Yi, Sergio A. Romero-Servín, David W. Pratt, and Leonardo Álvarez-Valtierra, ”Rotationally resolved electronic spectrum of N-Methylcarbazole in the gas phase: A study of methyl group internal rotation”, J. Mol. Struct., 2020 1217, 128282.
John T. Yi, Sergio Romero-Servin, Leonardo Álvarez-Valtierra, and David F. Plusquellic, “Rotationally resolved UV spectroscopy of the rotamers of indole-4-carboxylic acid: Evidence for charge transfer quenching”, J. Chem. Phys., 2020 152, 144307.
Michael Schneider, Martin Wilke, Marie-Luise Hebestreit, Jose ́Arturo Ruiz-Santoyo, Leonardo Alvarez-Valtierra, John T. Yi, W. Leo Meerts, David W. Pratt and Michael Schmitt, “Rotationally resolved electronic spectroscopy of the rotamers of 1,3-dimethoxybenzene”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017 19, 21364.
Pete Paul, Patrick Lawson, John T. Yi, and Nathan Stump, “Diffuse reflectance investigation of the thermo decomposition of samarium trichloride hexahydrate” Applied Spectroscopy, 2012 66, 90.
John T. Yi, Christian Brand, Miriam Wollenhaupt, David W. Pratt, W. Leo Meerts, and Michael Schmitt, “Rotationally resolved electronic spectroscopy of biomolecules in the gas phase. Melatonin”, J. Mol. Spect., 2011 268, 115.
Leonardo Alvarez-Valtierra, David F. Plusquellic, John T. Yi, and David W. Pratt, “On the excited state dynamics of vibronic transitions. High resolution spectra of acenaphthene and its argon van der Waals complex in the gas phase”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2011 115, 9557.
Jinjun Liu, Ming-Wei Chen, Demitry Melnik, John T. Yi and Terry A. Miller, “The spectroscopic characterization of the methoxy radical. Part I. Rotationally Resolved Ã2A1– X 2E Electronic Spectra of CH3O”, J. Chem. Phys., 2009 130, 74302.
John T. Yi, Leonardo Alvarez-Valtierra, and David W. Pratt. “The rotationally resolved electronic spectra of fluorene, carbazole and dibenzofuran: Evidences of Herzberg-Teller vibrational coupling with S2 electronic state”, J. Chem. Phys., 2006 124, 244302.
- Physical Chemistry I and II
- General Chemistry I and II
- General Chemistry for Health Science
- Physical Science
- Physical Chemistry Lab I and II
- General Chemistry Lab I and II
- General Chemistry Lab for Health Science
- Physical Science lab
Student Presentations († Undergraduate Student)
Manal Diab†, Shaunae Smith†, and John T. Yi, “Molecular Structures and Dynamics of Biomolecule: Epibatidine”, Winston-Salem State University Scholarship Day, April 4, 2023.
Mina Perez† and John T. Yi, “Molecular Structure and Properties of Heterocyclic Compound: Quinolone”, Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), Virtual, Nov. 10-13, 2021.
Tibran Pickens Flynn† and John T. Yi “Achiral Structure of Phenytoin with Exposure to Light” Winston-Salem State University Scholarship Day, April 11, 2019.
Kamiya Bridges†, Kimberly Briggman, David F. Plusquellic and John T. Yi “Segmented Chirped Pulse Terahertz (CP-THz) Spectroscopy of Nicotinic Acid”, Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 14-17, 2018.
Dynasty M. Parker†, David F. Plusquellic, and John T. Yi “Conformational Landscape of Biomolecules in Biotin”, Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 1-4, 2017.
Jazmyn Edwards†, David F. Plusquellic, and John T. Yi “Exploring Molecular Structures!”, Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 1-4, 2017.
Jazmyn Edwards†, David F. Plusquellic, and John T. Yi “Chirped pulse THz spectroscopy of a biologically relevant molecule: N-Acetyl-Proline”, The Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS), Charlotte, NC, Nov. 7-11, 2017.
Selected Presentations
John T. Yi, Christian Brand, Miriam Wollenhaupt, David W. Pratt, W. Leo Meerts, and Michael Schmitt, “Rotationally resolved electronic spectroscopy of biomolecules in the gas phase. Melatonin” 66nd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, June 20-24, 2011.
Jeremy Brooks†, Patrick Lawson† and John T. Yi, “Rotational Analysis and Molecular Structure of 1,3-Dimethoxybenzene” Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program, Winston-Salem State University, 2009.
Isaias Tasfaslassie† and John T. Yi, “Biomolecules in the Gas Phase. The Electronic Spectrum of 5-methoxyindole”, Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program, Winston-Salem State University, 2007.
Jinjun Liu, Ming-Wei Chen, John T. Yi and Terry A. Miller, “Stimulated Emission Pumping (SEP) Spectroscopy Applied to the Methoxy Radical.” 62nd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, June 18-22, 2007.
Leonardo Alvarez, John T. Yi and David W. Pratt, “Lifetime Broadening in the Rotationally Resolved Electronic Spectra of Some Furan Derivatives and Analogs in the Gas Phase.” 62nd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, June 18-22, 2007.
Jinjun Liu, John T. Yi and Terry A. Miller, “High-Resolution Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Spectroscopy of Deuterated Isotopomers of the Methoxy Radical.” 62nd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, June 18-22, 2007.
“Training a Diverse Quantum Workforce in Carolinas through Establishing the Winston-Salem Quantum Education Collaboratory (WS-QEC)” DOE-ASCR-RENEW (PI, Submission Date: Sept. 16, 2022, Amount: $2.26 million).
“Utilization of a novel Terahertz (THz) spectrometer on Biologically Relevant Molecules” NSF(HBCU) - Supplemental Grant (PI, Submission Date: Jun. 2016, Amount: $37,646)
“High-Resolution Electronic Spectroscopy of Inter/Intra-Molecular Interactions on Biologically Relevant Molecules” NSF(HBCU) - Research Initiation Award Grant (PI, Submission Date: Oct. 2014, Amount: $199,879)
“Acquisition of a Micro-Raman System for Multidisciplinary Research & Education” Department of Defense (DOD), Research and Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) (co-Investigator, Submission Date: Jun. 2014, Amount: $348,919)
“Development and Enhancement of the Physics Laboratories at Winston-Salem State University”, NSF(HBCU) -Targeted Infusion Project Grant (Senior Personnel, Submission Date: Mar. 2012, Amount: $299,875)
- Ar+ Ion Laser (171 Spectra Physics, Innova 200, and Sabre Coherent),
- CW Ring Dye Laser (380A Spectra Physics, and 699 and 899 Coherent),
- Nd:YAG (DCR-1A Quanta Ray),
- Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL-1 Quanta Ray),
- XeCl Excimer (EMG 103 and 101 Lambda Physik)
- XeF Excimer (COMPex 100 Lambda Physik),
- Pulsed Dye Amplifier (FL2003 Lambda Physik).
- Wavetrain II
Chirped Pulse Terahertz (CP-THz) EXPERIENCES:
- Arbitrary Wave Generator (AWG)
- Phase-locked Dielectric Resonant Oscillator (PDRO)
- Rb-disciplined crystal oscillator
- Diffusion vacuum system.