Please familiarize yourself with university policies that may be responsive to your safety concern. For your review, the university has included some of the policies that will inform you of your rights, expected conduct, accommodations, information about the university’s investigation and judicial process, and other general safety information.
Policy on Sexual Misconduct and Gender Based Harassment
This policy is the university’s procedures related to addressing sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual or gender-based harassment and violence, stalking, complicity in the commission of any act prohibited by this policy, and retaliation against a person for the good faith reporting of any of these forms of conduct or participation in any investigation or proceeding consistent with this policy.
Student Code of Conduct
Members of the WSSU community are encouraged to take reasonable and prudent actions to prevent or stop acts of prohibited conduct. This policy works to address the effects of prohibited conduct as defined by this policy, while fostering a community of trust.
Student Policy on Illegal Drugs
The university rules and regulations on illegal drugs are designed to promote academic integrity and an appropriate learning atmosphere for students, faculty members, administrators, and all other employees. To accomplish these goals, the possession, use, and/or trafficking of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited at Winston-Salem State University.
Weapons on Campus Property Policy
The possession of a weapon on WSSU property is a violation of state law, North Carolina General Statute #14-269.2, and university policy. The following guidelines are adopted in order to communicate to the staff, students, and the community the seriousness with which WSSU considers this act to be a violation of accepted standards of behavior and a threat to the safety of students and everyone in the university environment.
Timely Warning Policy
It is the policy of WSSU to immediately deliver timely warnings to the university community in the event a situation arising either on campus or off campus that constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat to university. This policy is consistent with the requirements under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act).
WSSU Emergency Operations Plan
The WSSU Emergency Operations Plan was developed to help mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural or man-made disasters which threaten the campus community, and to ensure a coordinated and organized response to those hazards. This plan is consistent with national, state, and local emergency plans. The plan contains the necessary elements to ensure that WSSU fulfills its responsibility to minimize adverse effects of any type of disaster.
WSSU strives to maintain a safe and secure campus. However, there are a number of hazards which could affect the campus and the community. Knowing what hazards could occur is one of the best steps to being prepared. Listed below are some hazards to prepare for at Winston-Salem State University.
Missing Student Policy
WSSU takes student safety very seriously. As such, this policy is established in compliance with Section 488 of the Higher Education Act of 2008, to assist in locating any WSSU student, who based on facts and circumstances known to WSSU are determined to be missing for 24 hours. The following policy and procedures applies to any student living in on campus housing, or in alternative housing managed by the University, which may be located off-campus.