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Bus/Passenger Van Policy

I. General

A. Purpose & Scope

The intent of this manual is to convey the Facilities Department policy and procedures for the use of, and operation of the university buses.

B. Goal

The Facilities Department will provide reliable and clean university buses with dependable and responsible university drivers to e\meet the transportation needs of WSSU departmental travel.

C. Location of Facilities Motor Pool

1600 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, NC 27110.

II. Policy/Regulations/Procedures

A. Policy Statement

All WSSU departments who utilize the university buses for travel will be subject to the stipulations and conditions set forth by the Facilities Department University Bus Manual. Those departments who violate these requirements will be subject to a reduction or possible termination of university bus travel.

B. University Bus Usage

WSSU Official Use Only. University buses and passenger vans are only driven by Facilities Department University Bus Drivers and used for WSSU official business only. It shall be a violation for any department to utilize the university buses and/or passenger vans for any private purpose whatsoever.

C. License Requirements

Facilities Department Professional University Bus Drivers are required to obtain a CDL License with Passenger Endorsement.

D. University Bus and Passenger Van and Ordinances

It is the responsibility of the Facilities University Bus Driver to observe all state driving laws and ordinances. All violations and fines shall be the responsibility of the driver. Abuse of state driving laws and ordinances may result in a reduction and possible termination of contract between the Facilities Department and the university bus driver.

E. No Tolerance

The Facilities University Bus Driver has overall delegation over the university buses and passenger vans while in transit. It is the university bus driver’s responsibility that all passengers are abiding by the rules set forth in the University Bus & Passenger Van Manual. If a passenger fails to abide by the rules and regulations it is at the discretion of the university bus driver to pull the bus over to confront the passengers and immediately contact the incident to the Facilities Department promptly. Upon returning back to WSSU campus it will be the discretion of the Facilities Department whether the student and/or department will be allowed to have access to the university buses for future travel.

F. Chaperones

At all times there should be an adult (or department head) to chaperone the students on the university bus and passenger van. The University Bus Driver does not substitute as an adult chaperone.

G. Alcoholic Beverages and Drugs

  • Under no circumstances may a staff, faculty, department head, or student possess
    alcoholic beverages or drugs on the university bus and/or passenger van. Facilities Motor
    Fleet Management and WSSU Campus Police will be notified immediately.
  • Under no circumstances may a Facilities University Bus Driver operate a university bus
    and/or passenger van under the influence of intoxicating beverages, drugs or substances,
    or transport these items on the university bus.

H. Hitchhikers

Hitchhikers are not allowed to ride on the university buses or passenger vans.

I. Relatives

Spouses and children are not permitted to accompany Facilities University Bus Drivers on trips.

J. Smoking

Smoking is not allowed on the university buses.

Cancellation Policy and Fees

University Bus and Passenger Van Cancellation Policy

All cancellations should be submitted to the Facilities Business Office within 24 hours before travel departure. Failure to abide by the stated policy will result in a cancellation fee(s).

  • The cancellation fee is equivalent to a one day daily rate charge.
  • If the university bus cancellation is made on/after the university bus driver arrives to campus,
    the department will be charged a cancellation fee that includes the one day daily rate PLUS a
    two hour university driver charge.