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Pregnancy and Pregnancy-Related Conditions

Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex, which includes pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions, in educational programs and activities receiving federal funding. In accordance with Title IX, the Title IX Office has established procedures for students who are pregnant at WSSU.

The Title IX Office will provide Students and Applicants with a centralized and collaborative process to provide consistency across all University programs and courses.

Pregnancy Accommodations

Students and Applicants must request accommodations in a timely manner to allow the Title IX Coordinator to review documentation, determine eligibility, and implement accommodations. All accommodations are determined as part of an interactive and collaborative process.

Following receipt of the request, the Title IX Coordinator will work with the Student or Applicant to determine how to reasonably accommodate their specific needs and with other appropriate individuals to further evaluate and/or implement the accommodations.

The requirements for every class and academic program are different; therefore, the Title IX Coordinator will collaborate with the Department of Disability Services, the Office of the Dean of Students, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, the Academic Advising Program, The Graduate School, and program administrators (as appropriate) and solicit input from faculty or other academic administrators as needed to determine what accommodations are reasonable for a particular class or academic program.

Any Student or Applicant may request accommodations by submitting the Accommodation Request Form and any accompanying medical documentation to the Title IX Coordinator. 

Medical Documentation

Requestors must provide documentation of the pregnancy from a doctor or medical provider. A written statement must be submitted on letterhead and include specific information about you and not a generic statement. This written statement can be brief but must adequately support each accommodation requested and should include the following:

  1. Expected delivery date or procedure date.
  2. A full description of the current difficulties and functional limitations in an educational setting.
  3. Any additional factors impacting the requestor's pregnancy/recovery and/or future academic requests.
  4. A clear and convincing rationale for each requested accommodation.
  5. Licensing credentials and contact information of a person preparing the narrative.

Following receipt of the request, the Title IX Coordinator will work with the Student or Applicant to determine how to reasonably accommodate their specific needs and with other appropriate individuals to further evaluate and/or implement the accommodations.

Lactation Spaces

WSSU is committed to supporting nursing mothers following the birth of a child by providing lactation accommodations. The lactation rooms are listed below and available for use:

  • FL Atkins – 125
  • New Science Building – 317
  • O'Kelly Library – 206A

Title IX and Pregnancy

a lactation room, with a comfortable chair and sink

Title IX Office

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Title IX Office.

Kayla Rudisel, JD
Title IX Coordinator
601 S. MLK Jr. Drive
Blair Hall, Suite 123
Winston-Salem, NC 27110
(336) 750-8758

 Related Policies and Procedures