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CITI Blog Article List By Technology

  • Creating a Liquid Syllabus (Can different formats of information engage students?)

    October 20, 2023

    It tells your students everything from when the class will meet to when the last assignment will be due. It’s the key to how a student should navigate a course, and a place for instructors to give special instructions and expectations for the course.

  • Unleashing Creativity: Exploring the Use of Generative AI Tools for Teaching and Learning

    September 11, 2023

    Generative Artificial Intelligence is one of the hottest topics in higher education for many reasons. On August 23, 2023, I had the opportunity to participate on a panel for a Back to School Adobe Cafe' Webinar series again this Fall where our panel will discussed views on the impact generative AI tools will have in teaching and learning.
  • Doing Digital: Taking Digital Literacy to New Heights at WSSU

    February 27, 2023

    If the last two years have taught higher education any lesson, it has been that the momentum of digital literacy is accelerating at a high rate.  Colleges and universities everywhere faced the issue of addressing ways to close digital gaps in populations of learners on their campuses.
  • Where are you Digital?

    September 23, 2022

    Congratulations! The beginning of a new semester is a milestone. By now, you have developed a rhythm for presenting new content and evaluating the effectiveness of course assessments.

  • Factors To Consider When Developing Netiquette Guidelines for Online Learning Experiences

    March 28, 2022

    The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in several modifications of course instruction as many faculty found themselves in an unfamiliar educational space of online and hybrid instruction. During this time, many faculty have learned how to leverage the virtual space to support the achievement of student learning outcomes.
  • RefWorks: Managing Your References and Writing Your Papers with a Style!

    April 28, 2021

    Are you using a reference management program to store and organize references? Have you found yourself writing a manuscript for a journal that uses a publication style different from what your discipline uses? In this post, I’d like to share with you a useful tool, RefWorks, and how I use it for reference management and in manuscript/ grant writing.

  • Quizzes and LockDown Browser in Canvas

    April 27, 2021

    I recently attended a CITI session developed and delivered by my peer CITI Faculty Fellows, Chinyu Wu and Cecile Yancu. The focus of this session was to explore the quiz feature in Canvas. In the majority of cases, quizzes in Canvas offer a formidable alternative to paper and pencil examinations, and Canvas guides offer great step-by-step explanations on how to setup and administer a quiz. View the quiz guide.

  • Kahoot! - Learning Really Can Be Fun

    February 23, 2021

    I really love playing games in my class with my students, whether it is a treasure hunt, a role-playing game, or what historical musical figure am I? I find that gaming is a wonderful way to engage students and promotes critical thinking and active learning. In looking for additional ways to engage my students in learning, I discovered Kahoot! through my colleague, Dr. Myron Brown a couple of years ago.

  • Digital Literacy

    July 12, 2019

    There were reading and writing literacies. Then came Cultural Literacy, Media Literacy  and Information Literacy. And then somewhere in the midst of these came Digital Literacy.

  • Five Ways that Social Media Can Affect Academic Writing

    July 12, 2019

    Everyone loves the Grinch? Right? Well, maybe not, but this week’s blog may have readers thinking this is the Grinch who wants to “steal” social media. Social Media is an excellent networking tool for personal, social, and professional purposes. However, social media can also have direct effects to academic writing in students.

  • Creating Infographics for Classroom Use

    January 16, 2019

    Graphics can be useful in demonstrating complicated numbers and relationships and they are often used as pieces of longer presentations. Everyone has had experience with graphs and flow charts as an appendix or piece of that Powerpoint presentation.