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Rams Helping Hands Food Pantry

The SRC is open through the Summer of 2024 on Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m..  Please visit DJR204 to gain access to the SRC.
Hours for Fall 2024:
Monday from 12-7 p.m.
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday from 12-4 p.m.
Friday from 12-3 p.m.

Hours may vary during breaks.

WSSU Rams Helping Hands Food Pantry exists to combat food insecurity and ensure the human dignity of all and well-being on campus by providing in-need WSSU students with healthy, culturally appropriate emergency foods. Food insecurity, as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is having “limited or uncertain access to nutritious, safe foods necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle." Based on a poll that was conducted under the Office of Dean of Students in September 2015, 57% of WSSU students who were polled, claimed to have gone without food because of a lack of funds.

WSSU Rams Helping Hands Food Pantry strives to do its part in assuring that no currently enrolled WSSU students goes hungry and that every student has access to nutritious food. In addition, the Rams Helping Hands Food Pantry promotes community engagement and education about food insecurity, community health, and fosters university-community partnership.

WSSU Rams Helping Hands Food Pantry is staffed by student interns, volunteers, and leaders trained to provide caring and compassionate service, to be respectful to all, and to maintain the confidentiality of those who use the food pantry. The initiative is a collaboration between students, the Office of the Dean of Students, and regional/national corporate sponsors. 100% of the original products gifted to the WSSU Rams Helping Hands Food Pantry were donated by Food Lion, Inc.

**No student fee money is used to support WSSU Rams Helping Hands Food Pantry.**