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Winston-Salem State University, Southern University Law Center receive Gold Standard Accreditation from CEO Roundtable on Cancer

The CEO Roundtable on Cancer has recognized two institutions of higher education with its CEO Cancer Gold Standard® accreditation.

The schools, Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and Southern University Law Center (SULC) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, join more than 200 private, nonprofit and governmental organizations across the country that have received Gold Standard accreditation.

“We are pleased to recognize Southern University Law Center and Winston-Salem State University for their efforts to improve the health of their students, faculty, staff and communities,” said Joya Delgado Harris, MPH, executive director of the CEO Cancer Gold Standard. “By achieving this milestone, they have demonstrated their commitment to easing the burden of cancer on their campuses.”

To earn Gold Standard accreditation, an employer must establish programs to reduce cancer risk by taking concrete actions in five key areas: emphasize prevention by prohibiting tobacco use and supporting tobacco cessation efforts; promoting healthy lifestyles through physical activity, healthy nutrition and weight management; providing health insurance options that encourage detection of cancer at its earliest stages, ensure access to quality care, and allow participation in cancer clinical trials; promoting employee awareness of these initiatives; and supporting the needs of cancer survivors in the workplace.

“It is a privilege and an honor to be Gold Standard Accredited,” said Dr. Cassandra Wineglass, WSSU associate professor of healthcare management and director of the university’s CEO Roundtable on Cancer efforts.

“This accreditation is so important because it allows our university to concentrate on our employees, students and the community at large. My heart is elated because the team can continue the work to eradicate cancer.,” she said. “We are Ramily!”

Wineglass has been working in the field of cancer research for approximately 20 years, bringing awareness to the disease that impacts families every day. “My focus has always been on psychosocial behavior of cancer patients and their families or whom the patient considers as family,” she said. “I believe the more we are educated and aware, we can continue to make strides in this area of coping and ultimately through research find a cure for cancer.” 

The CEO Roundtable on Cancer, a nonprofit organization of CEOs and their companies founded by former President George H.W. Bush, created the CEO Cancer Gold Standard to provide an evidence-based framework for employers to build a healthier workplace by focusing on cancer risk reduction, early detection, access to clinical trials, and high-quality care.

In 2022, the Roundtable launched Going for Gold, a partnership with Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Predominantly Black Institutions, Hispanic Serving Institutions, global health care companies Amgen and Merck (known as MSD outside the United States and Canada), along with analytics leader SAS. SULC and WSSU were among the original eight schools to join Going for Gold.


About Winston-Salem State University

Winston-Salem State University fosters the creative thinking, analytical problem-solving, and depth of character needed to transform the world. Rooted in liberal education, WSSU’s curriculum prepares students to be thought leaders who have the skills and knowledge needed to develop innovative solutions to complex problems. Founded in 1892, WSSU is a historically Black constituent institution of the University of North Carolina with a rich tradition of contributing to the social, cultural, intellectual, and economic growth of North Carolina, the region and beyond. Guided by the motto, “Enter to Learn, Depart to Serve,” WSSU develops leaders who advance social justice by serving the world with compassion and commitment. 

About Southern University Law Center

Located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the Law Center is one of five institutions comprising the Southern University System – the only HBCU system in the nation. The institution is nationally recognized for its diversity, racial justice initiatives, and community outreach efforts. SULC is a progressive, innovative institution that provides access and opportunity to a diverse group of students from underrepresented racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups to obtain a high-quality legal education with training in both civil and common law.

About the CEO Roundtable on Cancer

The CEO Roundtable on Cancer was founded in 2001, when former President George H.W. Bush challenged a group of executives to "do something bold and venturesome about cancer within your own corporate families." The CEOs responded by creating the CEO Cancer Gold Standard® which calls for organizations to evaluate their health benefits and workplace culture and take extensive, concrete actions in five key areas of health and wellness to address cancer in the workplace. This was followed by Project Data Sphere®, an initiative spanning industry, academia, and government to improve oncology clinical trials. For more information, visit

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