Winston-Salem State University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is the committee responsible for ensuring the protection and care of vertebrate animals being used in research studies at Winston-Salem State University. The IACUC is charged with this task while facilitating animal research in ways consistent with long-standing ethical principles and federal, state and university regulations. All research projects or instructional practices that involve animal subjects must be reviewed and approved by the IACUC prior to initiation.
- Review the WSSU-IACUC Manual and the Guide to the IACUC Process
- Apply via electronic submission in CAYUSE Animal Oversight, the electronic IACUC submission. Please expect 7-10 business days to complete the review.
- Approvals are usually valid for 1 year. Before the approval term expires, IACUC will send out a notice.
- Retain IACUC records and accompanying documentation for as long as they are scientifically useful.
- How to Report Your Concerns Regarding Animal Care and Use
- Table 1: Minor and Significant Program or Facility Deficiencies
- Table 2: Minor or Significant Changes to an Ongoing Protocol
- Table 3: Concerns That Must Be Reported to OLAW
- Complete required CITI training and upload your certificate in CAYUSE Animal Oversight.
- IACUC application process and submission video
WSSU's Renewal Animal Welfare Assurance Number: A3591-01
Applicable Federal Regulations
- Guide For the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
- ARENA/OLAW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook, 2nd Edition
- ARENA/OLAW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook, 2nd Edition - Addendum
- PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Tutorial
- USDA Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations
Additional Resources
- IACUC Central
Jeffery Overholt, PhD
Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
426 W.B. Atkinson Science Bldg.
Office of Sponsored Programs
Winston-Salem State University
Winston-Salem, NC 27110
A.H. Anderson Center
Calvert Jeffers, D.V.M.
Boulevard Animal Hospital
930 NW Blvd
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
** non-affiliated members
- Dr. Jeffery Overholt, Chair
- Dr. Dinesh Singh
- Mr. Demetrious Gooden**
- Dr. Tennille Presley
- Ms. Nicole Ramsey**
- Dr. Calvert Jeffers*
- Mr. Aaron Leftwich
- Dr. Morris Clarke
- Dr. Claudia Warren