CITI will offer workshops for faculty throughout the year. The following is a list of the types of workshops we offer.
- New Faculty Symposium - new faculty will meet twice a month throughout the first year to discuss various topics pertaining to teaching in general or WSSU specifically. he The topics are: First Year Expectations at WSSU, Campus Safety, Active Learning, Using Technology in the Classroom, Online Teaching
- Professional Learning Communities - PLCs are formed around hot topics or high interest areas. There are a wide variety of topics around which a PLC can be formed. Applications will be distributed to the campus community in the spring so that groups can start meeting at the start of the new academic year.
- Online Teaching - Best practices for delivering online courses including increasing student engagement, online Active Learning techniques, and using discussion boards
- Online Course Design - Using Quality Matters rubric and QM standards to a course
- Course Design/Redesign - Using Backwards Design to create courses which focus on desired outcomes
Other services CITI provides:
- Blended Course Design
- Flipped Classrooms
- Inquiry-Based Learning
- Midterm Assessment Plans (MAPS)
- Team Teaching
- Active Learning
- Case Based Learning
- Rubric Assessment