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Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be composed of elected officers and a representative from each of the following staff groups: administrative/managerial; professional; technical/ paraprofessional; clerical; and skilled crafts and service/maintenance. The Executive Committee shall conduct such business between monthly Staff Senate meetings and shall report such action(s) to the full Staff Senate during its monthly meetings.

The membership of the Staff Senate shall consist of all employees that are Subject to the Human Resources Act (SHRA) and Exempt from the Human Resources Act (EHRA) non-faculty employees, whether permanent full-time or permanent part-time.

The WSSU Staff Senate meets monthly for one hour unless otherwise announced. Meetings shall be held once a month between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Notice of meetings shall be received by the membership at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.

Shagail Reed

Shagail Reed

Katrina McCoy-Scott

Katrina McCoy-Scott
Vice President

Guila Cooper

Guila Cooper
Parliamentarian, UNC Staff Assembly Delegate, & Governance

Latisha Evans

Latisha Evans

Ronnie Beverly

Ronnie Beverly
Special Assistant

James Cherry

James Cherry
Technology & Communications Officer

Steffany Gallman

Steffany Gallman

Titus Lee

Titus Lee

Chelii Broussard

Chelii Broussard
Campus Culture

Jordan Hicks

Jordan Hicks
Health & Wellness

London Mickle

London Mickle
Professional Development

Darryl Jones

Darryl Jones
Community Service

Jai'Lyn Lover

Jai'Lyn Lover
Employee Recognition

Krystal Williams

Krystal Williams
Workplace Engagement