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President's Message

On behalf of the WSSU Staff Senate Executive Board.  We wish to extend a warm Welcome to Winston-Salem State University and the Staff Senate!

We are delighted to have you here as part of our dynamic campus community. The Staff Senate Executive Board is committed to representing and advocating for the needs and priorities of all staff members. Our primary goal is to serve as your voice, ensuring that your concerns, ideas, and suggestions are heard and addressed. All Staff are automatically a part of the Staff Senate. Our theme for the next two years is "Charged Up With A Purpose." Our theme is not just a slogan—it's a call to action! It’s about tapping into the energy, passion, and the commitment that each of you bring to our university. 

As the President of the Staff Senate, I have the honor of serving as a liaison between the Staff Senate and various people and bodies within our university and beyond; thus, I have ongoing engagement with the Chancellor, the Provost, the Board of Trustees, the Faculty Senate, the Student Government Association, and the UNC Staff Assembly. This role enables me to foster open communication and collaboration, furthering the mission to improve the working environment and enhance professional development opportunities for all staff.  We encourage each of you to actively participate in the activities and discussions that shape our future as staff members.

The RAMazing Executive Board and I are here to serve you.  Together, we can make a positive impact and ensure that WSSU continues to be a great place to work and grow. Thank you for your dedication and contribution to our campus community.

Staff Senate is how "Rams Take Charge" and we are "CHARGED UP WITH A PURPOSE"



Shagail Reed

Staff Senate President 2024-2026