RamCARES: We're Here to Help
For Faculty and Staff:
- Notice a struggling student? Faculty and staff are often the first to see when a student is struggling emotionally or showing troubling, disruptive, or threatening behaviors.
- Act Now: Students can be successful if connected to the appropriate campus resources.
- Fill out an Incident Reporting Form: Connecting students with the right resources can help them personally and academically.
- Contact Us:
- Office of the Dean of Students: 336-750-3356
- University Counseling Center: 336-750-3270
- Use the Incident Reporting Form: Click the red button below.
For Students:
- Concerned about a friend? If you notice a fellow student experiencing mental health challenges, please use the confidential Incident Reporting Form .
- We Can Help: Reporting a concern allows the RamCARES team to provide assistance. Your information will be treated confidentially.
RamCARES' mission is to provide assessment and intervention of troubling, disruptive and threatening behavior in an effort to avert activity that compromises the retention of a safe and secure learning environment for the campus community. The RamCARES team reviews behaviors exhibited by students following a preventative model that includes an assessment of the behavior, recommendation of intervention plan, and monitoring cases brought to the team.
- Educate/train the university community how to identify behaviors of concern.
- Review information that has been brought to the attention of the RamCARES team.
- Identify person/type of behaviors being described.
- Assess risk level of the behavior using a preventative model.
- Determine appropriate intervention to address assessed behaviors.
- Monitor progress of the intervention plan.
- Recommend, as appropriate, additional actions by the university administration.
Note: Content of process was derived from Deisinger, 2010 & NaBita Standards 2011.
- Threat – an expression of intent to cause harm or act out violently to someone or something. It can be transient (doesn’t express lasting intent to harm someone), or substantive (demonstrates intent to carry out the threat).
- Risk – the chance of an individual posing a hazard or bad consequence, and the probability of others being exposed to that chance.
- Threat Assessment – a set of investigative and operational process designed to identify, assess, and manage persons who may pose a threat of violence to identifiable targets.
- Intervention – strategic actions taken to avert behaviors of concern that present a threat, whether transient or substantive, to others, or remove the threat.
- Critical Incident – a significant occurrence that impacts and disrupts the University’s ability to carry out its mission in part or full.
- Case Management – a solution-focused approach to assist students with a wide variety of needs. This includes monitoring, following up and connecting students to resources on campus and in the community.
- Troubling Behavior – behavior that causes one to feel concerned for his/her own well-being.
- Disruptive Behavior – behavior that interferes with the educational process and/or work environment.
- Threatening Behavior - behavior that demonstrates the potential for immediate harm to someone (self or others) or something.
- Incident Reporting – the standard process of documenting and conveying incident-specific information using identified reporting mechanisms.
The completion of the Incident Reporting Form allows the Assistant Director of Counseling, Director of Counseling, the Dean of Students, or other appropriate staff member to follow up with the faculty, staff, or student as well as determine whether others in the community have made similar reports/observations. Certain cases may be reviewed by the RamCARES Team.
If a faculty, staff, or student’s behavior appears dangerous/presents significant immediate concerns/poses a threat of harm to self or others, please contact Campus Police and Public Safety immediately at 336-750-2911.
Behaviors which warrant immediate reporting to Campus Police and Public Safety instead of submitting this form:
- Person displays, uses, or is allegedly carrying a weapon of any kind;
- Person attempts to use or uses any object as a weapon;
- Person threatens with a clear intention of harm to self or others (including written indication of harms or suicide);
- Assault of any nature including sexual assault Complete the Behavior Form and it will be forwarded to Mr. Tim Pittman, Director of the WSSU University Counseling Center 336-750-3270 or via email at pittmant@wssu.edu.
Examples of reportable behaviors appropriate to report using this form include:
- Emotional outbursts (yelling or screaming or anger management issues)
- Verbal or written threats of any nature, without a clear attention
- Intimidating or harassing others
- Shift in attitude/behavioral/ emotional well being
- Material written or spoken in coursework suggesting possibly harming self or others (submit examples of writing)
- Harassment of others including sexual harassment
- Disturbing or threatening phone calls or messages (save messages on campus voice mails)
- Disruptive behavior on campus (including in classrooms)
- Concerns of physical abuse of student including self-mutilation
- Any other overt behavior that you may feel uncomfortable with, but is not necessarily an immediate physical threat