NC Community College Transfer Guides
- Your Transfer Coordinator
- Michaiah Hinds
If you are a NC Community College (NCCC) student, you can use these Transfer Guides to design a more seamless transfer into Winston-Salem State University (WSSU). The guides support NCCC students who are pursuing a transfer pathway outlined by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) or other specified Uniform Articulation Agreement (UAA). The guides outline meaningful coursework at the community college that leads to both associate degree completion and bachelor degree completion at WSSU.
Create an Effective Plan
To create an effective plan using the Transfer Guide, students should:
- Work with an academic advisor at the community college and connect with WSSU's Transfer Coordinator as questions arise.
- Use the most up-to-date Transfer Guide by reviewing the academic year and revision date published on each Transfer Guide (Transfer Guides are updated annually).
Note: Some information on Transfer Guides may not apply to students transferring prior to associate degree completion and/or dual-enrolled high school students. Please speak with your community college advisor and WSSU Transfer Coordinator for more information and guidance on NCCC course selection.
Select the Transfer Guide for Your Program of Interest
- Information Technology (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS)
- Justice Studies (BA)
- Mass Communications (BA)
- Mathematics (BS)
- Medical Laboratory Science (BS)
- Music | General Music (BA)
- Music | Music Business (BA)
- Music | Music Education Licensure (BA)
- Nursing (BSN)
- Political Science (BA)
- Psychology (BA)
- Rehabilitation Studies | Deaf Studies (BS)
- Rehabilitation Studies | Rehabilitation Services (BS)
- Rehabilitation Studies | Addiction Studies (BS)
- Social Work (BS)
- Spanish (BA)
- Sport Management | Sports Communication (BS)
- Sport Management | Marketing & Promotion (BS)
- Sport Management | Management & Administration (BS)
- Sport Management | Marketing & Promotion (BS)
- Teaching - Mathematics, Secondary Education (BS)
- Teaching - Middle Grades English/Language Arts (BS)
- Teaching - Middle Grades Math (BS)
- Teaching - Special Education (BS)
- Teaching Middle Grades Social Studies (BS)
- Therapeutic Recreation (BS)
Transfer Guide Details
Each Transfer Guide provides important transfer information including admissions requirements, NCCC course recommendations, university equivalency information, and remaining university coursework needed upon transferring.
All NCCC course recommendations on the Transfer Guides are labeled as one of the following to help students select the most meaningful CC coursework and to better understand the university requirement fulfilled by the recommended courses:
- General Education: Course meets a General Education requirement at WSSU
- Required Course: Critical course or prerequisite that is required for major/university curriculum and should be taken at the community college prior to transferring. If not taken prior to transferring, it could impact student's admission directly into major, access to other major courses at WSSU, and/or the time needed to complete the bachelor's degree.
- Suggested Course: Course could fulfill a major/university requirement and is a good option if available at CC but does not need to be taken prior to transferring. Course can be taken upon transferring without impact on the bachelor's degree completion timeline. If a CC course (ex: MAT 271) has a prerequisite (MAT 171), then the prerequisite will be listed as a suggested course.
- Elective: Transfers as elective credit or applies towards the elective portion of the bachelor's degree.